More information about applying for an Early Years place for September 2024 can be found below. Please do not hesitate to call the school office if you have any questions.

More information for admissions for Reception to Year 6 can also be found on your Local Authority’s admissions page below.
Coventry Local Authority Admissions
Solihull Local Authority Admissions
Warwickshire Local Authority Admissions

Applications for a Nursery Place

If you would like to apply for a nursery place to start in September 2024, you should apply to Berkswell C of E School by 2nd December 2023.  You may make a late online application after the closing date, but this will have implications should we be oversubscribed. Offers will be made 15th January 2024.

Applications for a Reception Place

If you would like to apply for a Reception place to start in September 2024 you should apply online to your home council by 15th January 2024.  If you miss the closing date you should contact your home council, again this will have implications should we be oversubscribed. Offers will be made 19th April 2024.

Admission Arrangements

These documents explain how we will work with Solihull Council throughout the applicaiton process.  They also show how places will be offered if there are more applications than places available.  These arrangements are reviewed and published every year.

Please see our Policies section of our website for our Admission Policy this outlines our Admission Arrangements.

Further details on the admissions procedure for Solihull Local Authority schools may be found here

Admission Appeals Information

To make an appeal parents should complete an appeals form stating their grounds for their appeal and send to the Clerk to the Independent Appeals panel c/o the Diocesan Board of Education, within 20 days from the refusal. 
Appeals will be heard within the following timeframe.

If you are not offered a place at this school you have the right of appeal against the decision not to allocate a place to your child. 

Your appeal will be heard within the following timetable:

Any appeals received after the deadline will be heard within the statutory timescales as set out in the School Admissions Appeals Code

Deadline for receipt of your written appeal: Your appeal will be heard by:
Reception places for children starting September 202426th April 2024Week commencing 20th May 2024

Further details for the appeals information 2023 can be found below:

Proposed In-Year Appeal Hearing Dates – 2024

Tuesday 16 January

Wednesday 21 February

Tuesday 19 March

Wednesday 17 April

Thursday 23 May

Tuesday 18 June

Wednesday 10 July

Wednesday 25 September

Wednesday 16 October

Thursday 14 November

Wednesday 11 December


Where possible all Appeals received by 21 June 2024 will be heard before the start of the new term in September 2024. It may not be possible to hear appeals received after this date prior the start of the new term in September 2024.


Please note no appeals will be heard between 10 July 2024 and 25 September 2024.

If you have any queries regarding appeals you should contact Joanne Evans at Coventry Diocese, her email is

Main Round Appeals – Primary

(National Offer Day – 17 April 2023)

Deadline for appeals to be lodged – 26 May

Appeals to be heard week commencing 19 June

Late appeals will be heard within the statutory timescales published in the School Admission Appeals Code