As a caring Christian family, our mission is to create a happy and safe environment where everyone is valued, listened to and respected. Our lives are guided by spiritual, moral and Christian values with our faith at the heart of everything we do. We nurture individuals, enabling them to become compassionate, thoughtful and considerate. Children are helped to develop lively, enquiring minds where they are able to question and articulate their thoughts whilst valuing the opinions of others.
As an ever-evolving school we have created an innovative and inclusive curriculum, which excites and motivates all; promoting enthusiasm for learning, celebrating individuals’ needs and talents. Children acquire a wide range of skills, knowledge and understanding, resulting in exceptional progress and achievement.
We aim to ensure our children will be
Each child recognises their own self-worth, the worth of others and that of the environment, developing a social conscience, valuing the diverse society we live in.
Ready to learn
Each child has a strong, positive and confident attitude, which ensures are both physically and emotionally ready to learn.
Each child shows initiative, asks thought-provoking questions and is equipped with a variety of strategies to enable them to learn. Independence is seen as a vital skill and is developed from the beginning of their school journey.
Each child is able to think deeply and meaningfully about their learning and about themselves as individuals.
Able to Reason
Each child is able to make careful decisions based on an ability to explain their thinking, consider all the evidence and choose the most appropriate method. They are encouraged to have lively and enquiring minds, which will help them to become good investigators and communicators.