At Berkswell School we regard assessment as a critical means with which to improve pupils’ ability in all areas. Through rigorous analysis, using a specially tailored system, we are able to target children’s weakest areas and assist them before it is too late.
Each teacher tracks each individual child in their class for Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and all Non-Core subjects. Using key objectives from their year, children are awarded a score of 1, 2 or 3 based on the depth of their understanding.
Grade 0 would demonstrate that an objective has been taught but a child has not yet understood it.
A grade 1 represents a child’s understanding of an objective when supported.
Grade 2 shows that a child hasa secure understanding of what has been taught, without requiring adult intervention.
To attain a grade 3, children must demonstrate a deeper understanding, usually out of context or by using their knowledge to reason about other areas. For example, in Maths, a grade 2 may be awarded for using column addition to add 8372 and 4251 correctly. A grade 3 would be awarded if children could solve this problem: ‘Using 8 different digits, what is the smallest total you can make when adding two 4-digit numbers together?’
As children progress throughout the year, they will aim to achieve higher gradings across all of the objectives. An average is taken from the gradings to indicate a child’s depth of learning. This depth of learning is then used to determine whether a child is working towards the expected standard, working at the expected standard or working at greater depth within the expected standard.

Internal Tests
To verify teachers own judgements we use a range of more formal internal tests in reading, writing and maths. Children can expect to sit these tests at the end of each term.
Year 1, 2, 4 and 6...
Year 1, 2, 4 and 6 will also sit tests in the summer term. Further details and frequently asked questions can be found by following these links:
We routinely run sessions for parents to discuss all annual testing prior to the children sitting the tests.

What does ‘the expected standard’ involve?
The definitions of the 4 standards that will be awarded at the end of each year are as follows:
Working at greater depth within the expected standard
A child identified at this standard has a greater depth of understanding. They have begun to use their knowledge and apply it in other areas. They have developed a very good understanding of the objectives covered and are able to use their skills across the curriculum. For example: In maths, they may use their knowledge of subtraction methods to solve mathematical puzzles and investigations without it being referred to in the teacher’s explanation. For English, they may apply their understanding of using commas to mark clauses by writing a correctly punctuated prayer in their RE books without a reminder.
Working at the expected standard
A child working at the expected standard has fulfilled all of the objectives for their year independently. This indicates that a child is confidently working on the curriculum for that year. In order to be working above the expected standard, a child will have to begin using these skills across the curriculum and in a wider context.
Working towards the expected standard
A child working towards the expected standard will be working consistently on objectives for their year group and will achieve these with regular support and intervention.
Foundations for the expected standard
A child working at this standard may be struggling to grasp the objectives for that particular year group and therefore will be focusing on objectives from previous year groups, in order to close any gaps in their learning and understanding. They may have a more tailored curriculum to meet their individual needs in the above core areas of the curriculum.
My child is currently in Year 4 but definitely has the ability of a Year 5 child. Will they be given a standard for Year 4 or Year 5?
Children will all be awarded a standard for their current year group only. However, this does not mean they will be limited to their own year group’s work in the classroom. They will continue to be challenged as you would obviously expect. These challenges will be aiming to increase the depth of their knowledgeand understandingto ensure they continue to make the same progress year after year.
Who do I contact if I have a question about assessment?
Your child’s class teacher will be able to answer most questions about the assessment of your child. Any questions about wider assessment issues can be directed to Mrs Drew via the school office.