The best analogy I have ever been given to describe the Christian Values at Berkswell School is a stick of rock. Just like the lettering within rock which runs right through its entirety and is visible from whichever aspect you look, so too, our Christian Values run through every aspect of school life.

- TAs and lunchtime supervisors nominate a child a week to win the cup for their focus value. They justify and explain their choices and these are shared with the school on Friday.
- Children and teachers will nominate a child from each class based on the number of values points they collect throughout the week.

We teach religion all day long.
We teach it in arithmetic by accuracy.
We teach it in language by learning to say what we mean—yea, yea or nay, nay
We teach it in history by humanity
We teach it in geography by breadth of mind
We teach it in handicraft by thoroughness
We teach it in astronomy by reverence
We teach it by manners to one another, and by truthfulness in all things.
We teach pupils to build the Church of Christ out of the actual relationships in which they stand to their teachers and their school fellows.