Parents' Consultation Evenings
There are two formal consultation evenings per year. One in the Autumn term (usually November) and one in the Spring term (usually March). These are normally appointment interviews at which you will be able to discuss your child’s progress.
In the first few weeks of term, parents are invited to a class meeting, with their child’s teacher and hear about the specific curricular areas to be studied that year. This is also an opportunity to share expectations of pupils with regard to behaviour and independence. Notes will be provided and parents will receive a copy of the relevant year group’s homework guide.
Pupil Reports
Annual written reports are combined and sent home during the Summer term (June/July). These contain comments regarding academic progress, as well as personal and social development.
Parents are given the opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss their child’s annual report (July), if they wish.

Assessment and Testing
Pupils throughout the schools are continually assessed by their class teachers. These assessments then inform curricular planning. Much of this assessment is informal in nature and a part of daily observation or teaching. At certain points, however, teachers use more formal assessment tools to validate their judgements and statutory tests are undertaken during the summer term for Year 1 (Phonics Screening), Year 4 (Multiplication Tables Check) and Year 2 and 6 (SATs).