‘Inspiring all to Shine’

2024 - 2025

Quality of Education

Key Priority 1:

To raise the profile and enjoyment of writing in school by reviewing our current provision.

Key Priority 2:

To introduce and implement the Coventry and Warwickshire Religion and Worldviews agreed syllabus for Religious Education alongside Understanding Christianity. 

Personal Development

Key Priority 3:

To further enrich the children’s musical experiences in order to help them develop a life-long love of music.


Leadership & Management

Key Priority: 4

To ensure the theological vision is known and

 understood by all stakeholders.

Key Priority: 5

To continue to develop and embed strategies in order for children to know more and remember more.

Key Priority: 6

To further develop the skills set of governors in terms of school self-evaluation, linked to education.


Key Priority: 7

To further develop children’s calculation fluency and mastery through play.